Friday, March 1, 2013

17:24 01.03.13

Soooooo.... Apparently this is going to be a once every week update blog. The countdown has started and so my first week in Cabo Frio is spent and gone! The internet on the hotel Porto Principe isn't exactly up to norwegian standard, and there is no internet in the rooms.
And that's my gentle transition into describing my living arrangements. The apartments are divided into two, shared by four young, active and crazy individuals (except my roommate which is a 35 year old solid guy named Thor, so what I am saying he is active, just not young and stupid like us!). The guys I am living with meets my roommate standard, and so far it has been a delight living with them!
If i have to describe my stay so far with few words it has to be: Burned, interesting,educational, social and above all fun!
It is a really nice bunch of people, and they are not difficult to get to know.The second day of the stay we went on a 7 hour boat trip, on which i uttered the somewhat "cocky" statement "I never get sun-burned, I just get tanned".... This attitude resulted a week later in a severe lack of skin on both my face and shoulder/chest area, and some rather humiliating from my so called new made "friends"....
We have also had a welcome party, where we got to spectate a capoiera "show/training" in which i actually participated, and got som "streetcreds" from. It was VERY fun, and I am planing on joining the capoiera class!
The food is cheap, drinks are cheap, air is hot and life is good!!
Breath and fight for more friends!        

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