Friday, March 1, 2013

Off to Brasil: part 1 19.02.13 09:40

And then I´m off. On my way to the small "continent" formally known as Brazil. Right now I am on my way to Bergen on the "fast window" (Norenglish pun, it is an Express boat) "Njord" from Askvoll. There I will meet up with my beautiful girlfriend Kaja, and I am going to be with her until my departure tomorrow evening at 21:00 to Oslo. 
I have already said the necessary goodbyes to my family (except my sister in Bergen), although I am not that sure the half-unconscious goodbye from my little sister counts (she apparently consider her beauty sleep to be more important than me leaving the country for 3 an a half months).
Needless to say the more painful goodbye is yet to come...
Live well, prosper and stay tuned!


Okey so this is the day... Today I am leaving Norway to travel to another continent! I have been trying to enjoy the last hours with Kaja as good as possible. Saying goodbye wasn't exactly easy, but now it is done and I am heading my head towards new places and ecperiences. So now I am focusing on making my night on Gardemoen as comfortable as possible. See ya soon folks.. Update when arriving in Brazil!   

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