Sunday, March 17, 2013


Well... So apparently it has been more than two weeks since my last post, where i stated i would update the blog every week... Can easily say I am contradicting myself a bit.. To my defence it feels like it has only been a week since my last post.

So all excuses aside, what happened this week (weeks)? First of all I have started surfing, which is very very fun!! We have also been doing some slacklining, tanning, partying, eating, drinking and some studying in between the activities mentioned above.
I am also glad to say my sunburned skin is gone, replaced with skin somewhat more to my liking and color preference. Oh i almost forgot! We have also visited a favella (slum), invited by Urban Drums, a group of people intended on keeping kids of the street and away from drugs alcohol, by offering them activities such as drumming. I am really glad i went, considering it was probably the first time i really felt like i was on the other side of the world, and not just on a warm tourist-filled beach! The kids swarmed us as we arrived, giving us high-fives and huge smiles. Very heart-warming!
We have also been in a Brazilian kitchen, where we learned to make some Brazilian dishes and desserts. Nom Nom Nom!
Aside from this everything has actually been very relaxing and slow-paced (in a fast-paced way:-S ). Yesterday we had the vorspiel in our apartment, and the placed looked trashed this morning. So, being the good tidy boys me and Thor is, we cleaned the place, and now it looks better than ever! Even washed my clothes!(we don't have washing machines for our disposal, so a bucket of hot water and soap have to suffice).
Training and working out has been difficult in this environment, and I feel I have to step it up soon!
Now I am tired of writing, so I guess I will just sit here for 3 more hours trying to upload pictures to the blog, with the almost non-existing internet.
Remember to enjoy what you got, even if you are currently in frozen Norway!;-)
Peace out! 

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